Ask drinkplanner resurrected

‘Round these parts we used to have a weekly feature that ran every Friday called Ask DrinkPlanner, where you good people would write me questions about drinking, drinker’s etiquette, and the boozing lifestyle and I’d answer with great wisdom and jocularity.  After a while it tapered off, not enough questions being asked, and the feature has laid dormant for some time.  Well no more, I say!  I’ve been sent a few questions recently, and with your help, I’ll get enough new questions that we can get this train moving again.  So look for it on Fridays, and in the meantime if you have any questions send them here, and here’s a look back at the Best of Ask DrinkPlanner:


Ask DrinkPlanner: Beer Before Liquor? – A look at the old saying “beer before liquor, never been sicker” and how wine factors into the equation.

Ask DrinkPlanner: How to Increase Alcohol Tolerance – Tips on how to be able to throw more down and avoid being the first to pass out.

Ask DrinkPlanner: Proper Garnishment – General rules about what types of garnish go with what kinds of booze

Ask DrinkPlanner: Manly Shots – Shots you can order that won’t make you look like someone who’d leave the bar and scrapbook for a few hours

Those are just a few of the highlights, if you want to review all of them and relive all those good times, just click the banner above.

So do you have a question?  Ask DrinkPlanner!

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