Hey gang, just a few things that are going down in the ATL right now WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. Most are ITP, but they’re pretty badass so KEEP READING my pretties.
1. $25 ALL YOU CAN EAT AND DRINK AT LOCA LUNA – No jive, hep-turkey…people. Or something. For a cool crisp $25 bill every Tuesday, you can eat and drink ALL of the tapas (mexican thumb-tacks?), beer, wine, sangria and well liquors you can swallow. WHAT!?! Is this real life!?! That’s a great deal to basically be able to stuff your body with every beautiful thing this world has to offer for the price of a $25 gift card at FartShax. Or Chili’s. Or Maternity Ward. Or CustomButtToyz4U.com. You know, $25 dollars yo!*
2. Local Wine Tasting at Woodfire Grill – The ol’ WG is hosting tastings from some of the best vinyards/winerys/whino-factories in GA for a low-low price of only $15. For the price of a $15 Muffin Hutt Varsity gift card, you can sample wines from:
Persimmon Creek
Tiger Mountain
WOLF Mountain
and Frogtown Cellars (wine from Frogs? GROSS!)
Hoo-whee buddy, those are some of the best whinyards in GA, right? Well they are from what I hear, and I can hear nearly everything, except train whistles. Doctor says that’ll be the end of me one day, yessiree. Toot-tooooooooot! (ducks and craps-self)
3. Gordon Biersch Opening in Buckhead – Do you even care at this point? $25 all-you-can-drink-WHATEVER and $15 get-your-buzz-on-local-vino pretty much trumps some brewery opening, but whatever. IT’S BEER, IT’S HERE, GET DRINKING IT.
Big-ups to Atlanta On the Cheap and Atlanta Dish for scooping these deals up and serving them to me ice cold on a silver platter. MADE OF PURE SAVINGS AND BUTTERSCOTCH.
*Can someone loan me $25? Plus parking and tip? I could dance for it!
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