The drinkplanner drink drank drunk mixtape

The internets are great, aren’t they? All sorts of fun ways to connect and share things with people and generally waste time. Well we here at DrinkPlanner have taken advantage of the newest webtoy, Muxtape. It’s easy, you upload songs, put them in whatever order you please, and then anyone can stream your shiny new mixtape from anywhere they like.drink drank drunk

So naturally we had to make one, and as you may have guessed, it has a familiar theme. So we present the DrinkPlanner “Drink Drank Drunk” mixtape for all of you to enjoy. It has joyous songs, odes to homemade whiskey, two songs about drinking wine from a mug, heartbreak, loss, and Ol’ Dirty Bastard.

BUT THAT’S NOT ALL! We want YOU, our partners-in-drink, to suggest songs to add to our mixtape. You can either leave a note in the comments or hit us up in the email, and if we like your suggestion and can get a hold of the .mp3, we’ll add it to the mix. As you can see we tried to keep away from really obvious songs, like “Gin and Juice”, so the more creative and raucous the better. It’s a celebration, bitches!

(And while it should be obvious, this mixtape of drinking and debauchery is in no way safe for work. Just sayin’.)

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