I swear, this gig just keeps getting better and better. People send me new booze to try out, new products to test and review, and it’s all stuff I’d pretty much use (or at least lust after) in my personal life. Which brings us to this item, The DeCapper. As the name hints, it’s a device for de-capping bottled beer. It’s basically a cylinder you push down on top of a bottle, and when it pops up, the cap has been removed. It’s incredibly simple. Here’s a video of it in action.
I know it looks like I struggled a bit on the second one, but that’s because I was holding the camera with one hand and the DeCapper with the other. Even though it takes just a second, it’s best using two hands. I’m not a wimp. I’m totally strong! SHUT UP!!1!
Analysis: This is the perfect party companion if you’re the one tending bar. If you ever drink bottled beer in your home, there’s no reason you shouldn’t own one of these. It’s incredibly easy to use, works as advertised, and really…a no-brainer. The only downside I can see is that it’s not very portable. As most dedicated boozers do, I carry a bottle-opener on my keychain, and there’s no way this thing is pocketable. It’s a beast. But that makes it perfect for keeping by your bar, or throwing into a cooler for a trip to the lake or tailgating or whatever. If they haven’t already, DeCapper needs to take a serious stab at marketing this to bartenders and restaurants. The speed and ease with which bottles could be opened needs to be exploited.
There ARE a wide variety of designs to choose from. I chose mine to be the classy stainless-steel variety, but they also have ones for pretty much every NCAA team (some in football shape), not to mention Outdoorsmen varieties, which range from moose to buckshot shell to wolf. The only people not included are the snail-hunters. WE WILL SOON HAVE OUR DAY!
Verdict: Highly Recommended
Seriously, the only downsides are bulk and not having run monthlong tests to ensure quality. Otherwise, this is a heckuva product.
4 Responses to “DeCapper Video and Review”
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October 15, 2008 at 1:32 pm
I have a few of these. No need to worry about breaking them. I haven’t had an issue yet. They seem pretty durable. Definately a neat product. They keep coming out with more too. AND- you can get your logo printed on them but I’m not sure how much it costs for that.
October 16, 2008 at 11:44 am
i got ya decapper right here, bada bing!
October 17, 2008 at 7:34 am
Added to the Christmas wish-list and contacted the company about ordering in bulk with company logo on it.
Thanks for the review. It looks super handy.
October 31, 2008 at 3:25 am
I have a plastic version of that same thing and think it’s nothing more than technology for technology’s sake. No point for having it. It may be better than a keychain bottle opener but give me a standard flat bottle opener; there’s a reason that almost every bartender in the world uses one.