Welcome to DrinkPlanner.com, your one-stop source for the best drink specials! Right now we’re only covering the Kennesaw area (give us a break, Atlanta is a big damn city) but we promise we’ll be expanding throughout the city one unsuspecting community at a time, eventually taking over the entire metro area as an unstoppable booze-fueled zombie army, the raspy cry of “Shhhhhooootsssssss” escaping from our withered and well-worn throats the only warning the pitiable townsfolk will have before being trampled and devoured by our unquenchable thirst for quality drinks at decent prices. Poor bastards never had a chance.
So take a look around, sign up as a member for full access to all the best hooch-stops we’ve found…and if you know of something we don’t, hit us up and we’ll pass the word on to your fellow booze-hounds. We’ve got big plans for this site (seriously, we can’t even keep track of them all), so check back frequently as we ramp up into full-blown interweb alcoholic legends before your very eyes. You can say you knew us back when.