
  • Beer week lightening round

    Lookout!  Beer week is still going strong and today as a mid-week treat you’re getting three reviews in one.  That’s right, I drank 3 BEERS IN A ROW and lived to tell the tale. I should probably check with the Guinness Book people and see if that’s a new world record.  H

  • Bottle shots thomas creek vanilla cream ale

    The actual name of this beer is Thomas Creek’s Stillwater Vanilla Cream Ale, but that is exactly one word too long to fit into the title area.  Sorry Stillwater.  Anyway… The Lowdown: I gotta say, I’m kind of excited about this beer.  It just sounds good, you know?  Oth

  • Bottle shots samuel smiths organic cherry

    Let’s get this party started! (Party = me drinking and writing by myself in front of my computer.  Living la vida loca, people!) The Lowdown: Honestly, I’m wary of fruit beers.  They tend to come in two different varieties, either: 1) strange artificial flavoring that makes

  • Beer week on drinkplanner

    That’s right gang, this whole week I’ll be covering BEERS.  Reviews mostly, but if you guys have questions about beer or want to see me cover a specific topic, let me know and I’ll see what I can do!  If I was a smarter man, I would have planned that part of it (the sendin

  • Kanye breaks bond between booze and beats

    The history of booze and hip-hop is a long one.  Rap artists have been referencing, pimping, and outright promoting brands in their lyrics since “Rapper’s Delight” (and maybe before, but I’m not Dr. Raps-a-Lot over here).  The bond has been strong and beneficial for both parties.  Brands

  • Disappointed

    Hey gang.  Sorry I’ve been light on the posts lately.  Let’s just call it my summer vacation, okay?  Great.  Though I have to admit, sometimes I witness things and they discourage me greatly.  Is what I’m doing here making a difference?  Does my sage wisdom and buckets

  • Cocktail badass wondrich on colbert report

    Last night Stephen Colbert invited cocktail historian, author, and goatee aficionado David Wondrich on his show to talk drinks.  They talked a little about cocktails over time and their history in the US while Dave plied and seduced Colbert with several tasty concoctions.  In the end, Mr.

  • Mad men yourself and drink with draper

    With Season 3 of Mad Men, one of the booziest shows on television just around the corner, AMC has launched a new site where you can “Mad Men” yourself and fashion an avatar in the style and likeness of the show.  I have spent roughly the past 17 hours fiddling and tinkering with

  • Atlanta happenings

    Hey gang, just a few things that are going down in the ATL right now WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.  Most are ITP, but they’re pretty badass so KEEP READING my pretties. 1. $25 ALL YOU CAN EAT AND DRINK AT LOCA LUNA – No jive, hep-turkey…people. Or something. For a cool crisp

  • Brand new three sheets footage

    Guys, I just got some brand-spankin’ new footage from the next season of Three Sheets which starts airing in just a few short weeks on Fine Living Network.  Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about, I just told you about it the other day.  Also BONUS, I c